Refund Policy
Q: Am I able to return my order for a full refund or exchange an item?
A: Absolutely! You may return your order for an exchange provided the product is in new condition and has not been worn. Simply send the item back to us at the address below, accompanied by a note detailing the exchange request. Once we receive the returned item, we'll promptly process the exchange and send it out to you. Should you have any inquiries about returns, please reach out to us via email at or through our contact form. Please note that due to the nature of giveaway promotions, refunds will not be issued for orders; however, exchanges are still accepted.
We reserve the right to make changes or updates to this policy at any time. Please review this policy periodically for any modifications.
Note: This policy is effective as of May 25th, 2023
Contact us
If you have any questions, concerns, or require further assistance regarding our Refund, Return, and Shipping Policy, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support.